Rivalry reignites as Samoa Joe Shoves MJF after 7-year reunion, video goes viral

After seven years, Samoa Joe and MJF reunited in the ring, but their reunion was short-lived. After a strong start by the champions, MJF began selling his neck. He was then hit in the back with a chair by Reynolds, and medical personnel helped him to the back. Cole was left to fend for himself, but he was eventually able to make the hot tag to MJF.

MJF cleaned house, hitting a kangaroo kick to Silver and a double clothesline with Cole for the win. However, the celebration was short-lived. After the match, Joe shoved MJF, referencing a classic NXT moment when MJF played a security guard and tried to get out in front of the Samoan Submission Machine.

Fans were quick to call out the reference, but MJF was not amused. He tried to fight Joe, but they had to be separated. Joe then went on to compete in his ROH TV Title match against Shane Taylor.

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The incident is sure to add fuel to the fire between MJF and Joe. The two men have a long history of animosity, and it seems that their rivalry is far from over. It will be interesting to see how this story unfolds in the coming weeks.

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