3 Men Arrested in Texas Human Smuggling Scheme

FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas – Three Men Arrested in Connection to Human Smuggling Scheme

Three men have been arrested and charged in connection to a human smuggling scheme in Fort Bend County, Texas. The suspects are Jose Aguirre, 24, Jose Aguirre Martin, 22, and Orlando Noe Betancur Flores, 21.

The arrests were made on August 30, 2023, after Fort Bend County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a welfare check call at a residence in the 12000 block of Meadow Hollow Drive. The initial investigation led to the discovery of five immigrants who were allegedly being held captive against their will.

The immigrants were reportedly smuggled illegally from Mexico and were being held in a locked, un-air-conditioned garage pending payment of additional money. They were all taken to a local hospital for evaluation.

Aguirre, Martin, and Flores were each charged with human smuggling. Bond was set at $500,000 for Martin and Flores. Aguirre was also charged with aggravated kidnapping, and his bond is currently pending.

“We are dedicated to keeping our community safe while combating heinous crimes such as these,” said Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan. “While arrests have been made, this investigation continues in order to ensure all involved are held accountable.”

The Human Trafficking Unit of the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office is continuing the investigation. Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the unit at 281-341-4660.

In addition to the criminal charges, the suspects may also face civil penalties under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). The TVPA is a federal law that prohibits human trafficking and provides assistance to victims.

If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. You are not alone.

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