“Family discovered something unusual hidden inside” After hearing noises behind wall!

The owners of a house in America reported hearing a strange sound coming from one of the walls. The sound became more regular and louder, until they knew they had to do something.

A beekeeper named David was called to investigate. He found that a huge honeycomb, complete with thousands of bees, had taken up residence in the wall cavity.

David removed the bricks from the side of the house in order to get to the honeycomb. He then carefully removed the bees and honeycomb, and placed them in a new hive.

David’s Facebook post about the job has since been shared over 116,000 times. He wrote in the post that he doesn’t like taking out bricks, but that the final view of the hive was “AWESOME!”

Unfortunately, the inner wall of the house did have some unsightly discoloration thanks to “thousands of dirty little feet.”

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