David Brooks Reacts to $78 Meal at Newark Airport: “This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.”

New York Times columnist David Brooks took to Twitter on Thursday to express his frustration with the high prices of food at Newark Airport. He shared a photo of a meal he had purchased for $78, which consisted of a burger, chips, ketchup, and a glass of whiskey.

“This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport,” Brooks tweeted. “This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.”

Brooks’ tweet quickly went viral, with many people expressing their agreement with his sentiment. Some people shared their own stories of paying exorbitant prices for food at airports, while others simply lamented the overall state of the economy.

“I’m not surprised,” one Twitter user commented. “I paid $20 for a bottle of water at JFK last week.”

“This is ridiculous,” another user wrote. “I can get a better meal for less than half that price at McDonald’s.”

“This is just one example of how inflation is hurting Americans,” another user commented. “Everything is getting more expensive, and it’s hard to keep up.”

Brooks’ tweet comes at a time when inflation is at a 40-year high in the United States. The cost of food, gas, and other essential goods has been rising steadily in recent months, putting a strain on the budgets of many Americans.

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