Kim Jong-un to Visit Russia to Meet Putin in September – New York Times Reports

The New York Times has confirmed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will travel to Russia in September to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting is expected to take place in Vladivostok, a city on Russia’s Pacific coast.

The White House has warned that Putin and Kim have exchanged letters discussing a possible arms deal. US officials say that high-level talks on military cooperation between the two countries are “actively advancing.”

The Times’ sources say that Kim will travel from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, by armored train to Vladivostok. He may also travel to Moscow.

The newspaper’s sources report that Putin wants Kim to agree to provide Russia with artillery projectiles and anti-tank missiles. Meanwhile, the North Korean leader would like Russia to provide his country with advanced technologies for satellites and nuclear submarines.

The meeting comes at a time when Russia is facing international isolation over its invasion of Ukraine. North Korea has been a vocal supporter of Russia, and the two countries have been strengthening their ties in recent months.

The Times’ report says that a delegation of some 20 North Korean officials, “including some who oversee security protocols for the leadership,” traveled to Vladivostok in late August, indicating an upcoming trip by the North Korean leader.

The meeting between Kim and Putin is likely to be closely watched by the international community. It will be seen as a sign of the growing ties between the two countries, and it could have implications for the war in Ukraine.

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