Mom Detects Strange Smell in her Daughter, Then Doctor Discovers Something That Left Her in Awe

A mother named Katarina took her daughter, Curisa, to the hospital because she was having green and red mucus coming out of her nose. The doctors prescribed antibiotics, but Curisa’s condition didn’t improve.

After two weeks, Katarina took Curisa back to the hospital and insisted that the problem was with her daughter’s nose. This time, the doctors listened and found a sponge stuck up Curisa’s nose. They were able to remove the sponge, and Curisa made a full recovery.

Katarina believes that the doctors could have done better. She believes that they should have listened to her concerns about her daughter’s nose sooner. She also believes that they should have been able to diagnose the problem without having to prescribe antibiotics first.

The article also tells the story of a boy named Isaac who had something stuck in his nose for three years. Isaac’s parents took him to several doctors, but none of them were able to find the problem.

Finally, Isaac saw a specialist who looked up his nose and found a flexible wheel-shaped piece of Lego encased in a ball of fungus. The doctor was able to remove the object, and Isaac made a full recovery.

The message of this story is that parents should trust their instincts and speak up if they believe something is wrong with their child. The author also believes that doctors should listen to parents’ concerns and be more thorough in their diagnoses.

My thoughts on the article:

I think the article is very interesting and informative. It is a reminder that parents should trust their instincts and speak up if they believe something is wrong with their child. It is also a reminder that doctors should listen to parents’ concerns and be more thorough in their diagnoses.

I am glad that both Curisa and Isaac made full recoveries. I hope that their stories will encourage other parents to speak up if they believe something is wrong with their child.

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